Company law

The Law Firm Szabó and Szalai provides efficient and prompt solutions to its Clients in corporate, transactional, money and capital markets cases and competition law matters.

The Law Firm has outstanding experience in classic corporate law (drafting of general terms and conditions, mergers, syndicate agreements, share purchase agreements, internal regulations, drafting of legal and financial cooperation agreements with partners, including tax advice), corporate governance, compliance, due diligence, full range of corporate procedures (incorporation, registration of changes, capital increases, capital decreases, transformations, winding up), but also transfer pricing policies.

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

We provide legal support to public and private limited companies and other business entities and their members in drafting and reviewing company law and corporate documents in accordance with the legal environment and the business interests of the members. We also represent our Clients in proceedings related to the incorporation and operation of companies, including proceedings before the authorities (tax authorities, company courts, the Hungarian Competition Authority), and provide financial and tax support for start-ups.

The Law Firm regularly represents Clients in company law disputes. Our litigation experience includes disputes and lawsuits between members, between members and the company, and in relation to the exclusion of members, the enforcement of liability for damages against the managing director, the enforcement of creditors’ claims against a limited liability member, and representation in actions for the declaration of the invalidity of the instrument of incorporation.

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

As a consultant, the Law Firm is competent in providing legal due diligence, compliance services to financial institutions, groups of companies (foreign and domestic parent and subsidiary), providing financial and tax advice, revision of existing company and corporate documents, and, if necessary, bringing them into compliance with Hungarian law for foreign founders.

In M&A transactions, we provide legal assistance from the initial enquiry through negotiations to due diligence and data room organisation.

The legal representation of companies can be carried out on an individual basis, either on a case-by-case basis or on a permanent basis for flat-rate fee. In each case, we contract for a structure that is most advantageous for our Clients.

The Law Firm has experience in the IT, media, music industry, and in the area of financial institutions and businesses, construction and manufacturing.

Leggyakoribb társasági jogi tevékenységi körbe tartoznak az alábbi eljárások, valamint feladatok:

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

társaságok alapítása, megszüntetése,

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

létesítő okirat módosítás, hatályosítása változásbejegyzés keretében,

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

tőkeemelés, tőkekivonás, átalakulások kivitelezése, szindikátusi szerződés,

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

belső szabályzatok, partneri szerződések kidolgozása,

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

állandó jogi tanácsadás vállalatcsoportok esetén,

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

vállalati compliance tanácsadás,

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

jogi átvilágítások (due diligence),

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

általános szerződési feltételeket kidolgozása,

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

start-up vállalkozások segítése pénzügyi támogatással,

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

versenyjogi tanácsadás, összefonodás bejelentés (GVH eljárás),

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

társasági részesedések, üzletágak és eszközök adásvételével kapcsolatos okiratszerkesztés és tanácsadás.


The philosophy and professional credo of Law Firm Szabó and Szalai is quality, credibility and precision.

We strive to meet the needs of our Clients in the fastest, simplest and most efficient way by providing premium quality service with the utmost discretion.

We are convinced that building and maintaining a partnership with our Clients is essential for success, so we always plan for the long term, and we strive to provide the widest possible scope of legal services.


Get to know the lawyers of our law Firm!

Dr. Szabó Zsolt Tibor

lawyer, economic criminal law specialist

‭+36 30 894 5280‬

Dr. Szalai Péter


+36 30 578 4488