The philosophy and professional credo of Law Firm Szabó and Szalai is quality, credibility and precision.
We are convinced that building and maintaining a partnership with our Clients is essential for success, so we always plan for the long term, and we strive to provide the widest possible scope of legal services.
Our education, training, professional dedication and experience in a wide range of legal fields have given us the ability to provide support in the law.
In the practice of our profession, respecting the principles of perfectionism, professionalism, mutual trust and customer focus, our aim is to use our proactive approach and expertise to promote the legal, economic and financial interests of our Clients, and to create successful solutions in all areas of life, by developing a strategy that is tailored to their needs.
The lawyers of the Law Firm Szabó and Szalai have up-to-date, in-depth and complex legal knowledge, extensive and wide-ranging professional expertise, as well as a flexible and dynamic, yet traditional, way of thinking, which enables us to provide legal services to individuals, companies and businesses, covering a very broad spectrum of law.
The main profile of the Law Firm Szabó and Szalai is civil law, in particular real estate law, company law, family law, contract law, including litigation, non-contentious law, such as liquidation, debt settlement and debt collection, and finally, with special emphasis, criminal law.
The founding members are Dr. Zsolt Tibor Szabó and Dr. Péter Szalai T.
The Law Firm Szabó and Szalai has a continuous and long-lasting cooperation with dr. Ádám Dávid Nagy LL.M., individual attorney-at-law.
Our Law Firm works in Hungarian, English and Italian.