Civil litigation, representation in court

The Law Firm Szabó and Szalai is a firm specialised in litigation in the field of adversarial proceedings in economic and everyday life disputes (matrimonial, property, breach of contract, in particular defective performance, including warranty, guarantee, employment, enforcement, declaratory judgments), and also represents its Clients in disputes relating to personality rights, protection of possession, administrative matters, press correction, damages and medical malpractice.

We inform our Clients – whether on the side of the defendant or the plaintiff – in detail, covering all aspects of the expected course of the litigation and possible outcomes, the established judicial practice in the given legal issue, the legal costs that may be incurred in the proceedings (expert fees, procedural fees), deadlines, and which party has the burden of proof under the relevant law and to what extent. Finally, we assess whether there is a potential possibility of reaching a settlement, and if so, under what risk factors (willingness and ability to pay, willingness to settle voluntarily), either in lieu of litigation or in order to bring the pending litigation to a successful, final and satisfactory conclusion.

In order to avoid that a detail which at first sight seems irrelevant becomes decisive, and to ensure that our statements of facts to be proved and our motions for evidence are properly and timely presented, as well as our requests for provisional measures or for ordering the preliminary taking of evidence, where appropriate, we pay particular attention to reveal the accurate historical facts, the background to the dispute and all the circumstances that may be relevant.

Our goal is, by remaining faithful to the professional credo of the Law Firm, to act against the opposing party as quickly, efficiently and – as far as possible – cost-effectively as possible, starting from the commencement of the litigation, more precisely from the joint development of the pre-litigation tactics, until the final decision, if necessary going to the highest Hungarian and European Union courts.

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

In the area of civil litigation, the Law Firm focuses on litigation relating to damages and medical malpractice cases.

In everyday life, there are numerous situations that can give rise to a claim for damages, both in the area of breach of contract (contractual) and non-contractual (tortious) damages. The aim of damages as a civil sanction is to protect the existing property relations, i.e. to create a situation as if the event giving rise to the damage had never occurred. In any event, bringing a claim for damages before the courts requires a high level of preparation and knowledge.

Medical malpractice cases are an extremely complex part of the legal profession, given that medical expertise and specialised knowledge are essential in addition to legal representation. Having regard to that, the Law Firm works with experts with medical qualifications.

Szabó & Szalai Ügyvédi Iroda

A munkafolyamat az orvosi dokumentáció előzetes átvizsgálásával és orvosszakértőkkel történő konzultációval kezdődik, ily módon az Ügyvédi Iroda előzetesen képes felmérni mind jogi, mind pedig orvosi szempontból az igény jogosságát, ezzel biztosítva, hogy megalapozottan lehessen a pert megindítani, megelőzve ezzel a károsultak, betegek, vagy hozzátartozóik felesleges kiadásait.

Ahogyan a klasszikus kártérítési eljárásoknál, úgy az orvosi műhibaperek esetén is, a hosszas peres eljárás megelőzése érdekében az Ügyvédi Iroda törekszik a peren kívüli megegyezésre, amely az esetek döntő többségében az Ügyfeleink számára eredménnyel zárul.


The philosophy and professional credo of Law Firm Szabó and Szalai is quality, credibility and precision.

We strive to meet the needs of our Clients in the fastest, simplest and most efficient way by providing premium quality service with the utmost discretion.

We are convinced that building and maintaining a partnership with our Clients is essential for success, so we always plan for the long term, and we strive to provide the widest possible scope of legal services.


Get to know the lawyers of our law Firm!

Dr. Szabó Zsolt Tibor

lawyer, economic criminal law specialist

‭+36 30 894 5280‬

Dr. Szalai Péter


+36 30 578 4488